How it works

Our service is simple to use. It is free to you!

Step 1

Tell us the product you want to purchase from the manufacturer.

You can include product description, measurements and other information. If you can include the URL of the product, it would be even better. You may also include a picture of the product. Sign up for an account with your email address in order to receive quotes.

Step 2

Receive a price quote within 48 hours.

One of our sourcing specialists will reach out to you with price quotes for the same or similar products. Each price quote includes the cost of the product, shipping expense and any applicable custom duties. The price quote will also include the estimated fulfilment and shipping time of the product once it is ordered.

Your sourcing specialist will also answer any questions about the product.

Step 3

Pay for the order.

If you are satisfied with the product information and price quote, complete the order with your credit card. We work with Stripe to make sure that your payment information is secure so that you can order with confidence.

Step 4

Receive order order and shipping status.

You will receive update on your order status, so that you will know when you product is ready for shipping, and when you will receive it at the address you provided.

Step 5

Receive the shipment.

Your order will be delivered to your address by our carrier partner, including USPS and UPS.